Tuesday, 29 May 2012


When rule is used to evaluate a logical statement involving comparisons among values of properties.

Conditions Tab:
Value of the properties can be evaluated against any of the comparison operators, like

Advanced Tab:
This functions similar to the Conditions tab with below comparison expressions, like
Not Equal

Only difference between specifying conditions in the above 2 tabs is that,
With conditions tab, properties can be evaluated against only similar logical conditions.
(ex: we A and B and C, we cannot have A and B or C )
Whereas with Advanced Tab, any kind of logical expression can be implemented.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Create a new Rule Set Version

Steps to Create a new Rule Set Version:

1. Go To Application
2. Select New
3. Select Rule
4. Select SysAdmin
5. Select Rule Set Version

On Selecting Rule Set Version, a new Pop-Up will be opened.
Select the Rule Set name created, in RuleSet Name field and provide a version number in the format
xx-yy-zz and click on Create.
In the above expression, xx-yy-zz represents

XX à Major Version
YY à Minor Version
ZZ à Patch Version

A new Rule Set Version will be created like this,

Creating a new Rule Set

Steps to Create a new Rule Set:

1. Go To Application
2. Select New
3. Select Rule
4. Select SysAdmin
5. Select Rule Set

On Selecting Rule Set, a new Pop-Up will be opened.

Provide a new Rule Set name and Click Create.
A new Rule Set will be created like this [RULE SET à HomeWork]

Property Mode Explained


1   Single Value:
To create a property that stores a single value.
Example : Name property to hold the name of the person.
2       Value List:
To create a property that holds an ordered list of single values.
Example : Subject(1), Subject(2), Subject(x)
3       Value Group:
To create a property that holds an unordered list of single values.
Example : MarksIn(Physics), MarksIn(English), MarksIn(Maths)
4       Page:
To create a property of mode Page that contains a list of values associated with thepage.
Example :  A Page “UserDetails” can conatin informations like Name, DateOfBirth, Address, Phone, etc,
5       Page List :
To create a porpety of mode Page List that contains an ordered list of values associated with the page.
Example : List of pages UserDetails(1), UserDetails(2) , UserDetails(x) can conatin information listed above.
6       Page Group :
To create a property of mode Page Group that conatins an unordered list of values associated with the page.
Example : pyworkParty(Originator), pyWorkParty(Insured)

There are other modes as well like Java Object, Java Object List, Java Object Group and Java Property which are very rarely used. We will cover these in detail later.
Most widely used property modes are the ones described above.

Rule-Obj-Property - Part 2


You can find the Property Name, Rule Set and its Version, Class Name (Applies To) and the date of creation at the top.
Property rule has 4 tabs.
A)     General :
A.1) Property Mode :
Will be explained later in detail.
A.2) Property Type :
As specified earlier it can be of any of the following types,
Text, Integer, Password, Date, DateTime, TrueFalse, Identifier, Double, Decimal, TimeOfDay, TextEncrypted.
A.3) HTML Property :
This is another PEGA rule of type Rule-Obj-HTML,  which can be referred in this property rule. It is used to manage the way in which the property value can be displayed in the screen.
A.4) Table Type :
It can be of any of the following types,
Local List, Field Value, Class Key Value, Remote List and Prompt List.
We wil explore each of these in detail later in a separate topic.

B)       Associations :
This tab shows the list of other rules in PEGA that are associated with this property rule.

C)      Advanced :

Max Length : Maximum length of characters that this property can hold.
Expected Length : Minimum length of characters that this property must have.
        Both of these are for propeties of type Password, Identifier and Text.
Override Sort Function : To sort the values in the property if the property mode is of type Single Value.
Access When : Specify a PEGA rule of type WHEN to satisfy conditions to display the property. We will explore the WHEN rule in detail in later posts.
Edit Input : This is also a PEGA rule which is used to convert the value entered in the screen for this property  to a different format. Again this will be explored in detail later.
Validate : Another PEGA rule which will be discussed in detail later.

D)     History :
 It is always necessary to fill the History tab with useful information about the rule. This is used for the documenting purpose.

Rule-Obj-Property - Part 1

Property is a simplest rule that can be created with PEGA.
They contain data and values.

Creating a Property:
There are several property types under the property category. They are,
Property, Edit Input, Edit Validate, Field Value, HTML Property, Property Alias and Propety Qualifier.
All these can be created by selecting,
Application à New à Rule à Property à (Any of the Property Types specified above)
We will look into each of these in detail,

1.       Property:
Created by selecting,
a.       Application à New à Rule à Property à Property
b.      Right the class where you want to create the property and select New à Property
Property Creation Window will be displayed
Provide Property Name.
Select the rule set and its version.
Select the Property Type à Most widely used are Text, Integer, Date, TrueFalse.
Select the Availability  à Set it to Yes by now. We will explore this later in a separate topic.
Click on Create.