Saturday, 2 June 2012

Rule-Declare-DecisionTable (Part 2)

Show Conflict:
Conflicts in the decision table will be shown with a warning message along the row.
This means that the row in unreachable. ( Can never be reached )
In the above example, always the steps either 1 or 2 will return the result. This leaves the Step 3 always unreachable. Such rows will be displayed with a warning message when the Decision Table rule is saved.

Show Completeness:
Automatically displays all the possible combination of values, thereby reducing the chances of situations that could result in returning the default/ otherwise return value.

Heading Row:
Each column except the “Return” column corresponds to a property.
Click on the cell to open up a pop-up like this.

Property à refers to a single value property
Label à Label displayed in the decision table rule
Use Operator has the below list of options

Check the Use Range check box to provide Starting and Ending range value for the property.